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Inner Light Collective

Transform Reiki Infused Intention Candle

Transform Reiki Infused Intention Candle

Regular price $49.90 AUD
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 Are you ready to connect and awaken?

The Transformation candle is a tool that can help you on your journey, it will tune you in and open up for expansion. It’s charged with Reiki energy and intention.

 You are either about to embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery, healing, growth, love & light or have already started this magical process. This powerful candle has been infused with the energies of reiki so that it may assist you in connecting more deeply with yourself as well as others around you.

Allow this beautiful candle to guide your way through life's challenges and into the light at the end of each tunnel...the transformation awaits!

The Transformation Candle is also great for those who are going through a tough time or facing big changes in their lives; such as moving home/country/job etc., divorce or separation from loved ones - use this candle when feeling lost or overwhelmed by change! Or if there is something specific that needs transforming within your life then ask for assistance from Spirit using this special candle!

The Transformation Candle helps us all get back on track when we feel like we have lost our way…it assists us in finding clarity amidst chaos…and reminds us that everything happens for a reason (even if we don't always understand why!)

Standard benefits:
- Assist in self-discovery
- Connect more deeply with others
- Guide you through tough times and big changes
Emotional benefits:
- Embark on an incredible journey of healing, growth, love & light
- Find strength during difficult times
- Allow for positive transformation in your life


  • Hand-poured, Australian-made candle
  • Infused with Reiki Healing Energy
  • Topped with Red calcite and Rose buds
  • 300g | 400g soy wax blend
  • 100% cotton wicks
  • Fully recyclable glass
  • Approx. 50/70hr burn time

Healing Properties

This beautiful candle has been through many a makeover and it is ever-changing and fluid as it is of course the totem of transformation itself. 

Right now the crystal that anoints this candle is Red Calcite. Red Calcite is a vital stone that increases energy and willingness to experience life. It is grounding and protects energetic and emotional boundaries, alleviating 'spaciness' and overextension of one's energy. Red Calcite supports and increases development on both a physical and spiritual level. It is one of the best clearing/cleansing minerals, fizzing away that which is not wanted/needed, and helping to clear on every level, thereby improving the clarity of thought and purpose, and detoxifying the body. It also opens and strengthens the chakras, and encourages stability and self-trust, while helping us to transform our ideas into actions. 



White  Lilac Lavender 

The essence of freshly blooming lilacs is captured in this aroma.


I am an open channel for connection.
Be it to my spirit guides, ancestors, angels or all of the above. 
I tune in and trust the guidance that I receive for my highest good only. 
I am ready to take a step on the path of transformation however that looks for me. 
I am open to signs, messages and synchronicity and am ready to pay attention.
And so it is ...

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Awaken Your Inner Light, Nourish Your Soul


A candle that takes you away to peaceful places.